Bach Double Dynamics
Bar numbers Violin 1 Violin 2
1-4 rests f
5-6 f mf
7 f Cresc.
8 f f
9 mf f
10 mf sixteenths, p half-notes Taper phrase ending, observe rest, mf sixteenths, p half-notes
11 mf sixteenths, p half-notes mf sixteenths, p half-notes
12 Cresc. starts on beat 3 Cresc. starts on beat 3
13 f f
14-17 mp/mf f
18-19 f mf
20-21 f Cresc. to f by bar 21
22-25 f rest
26-28 mp f
29 Cresc. starts on beat 3 f
30-31 f mp, slight “hair-pins” in each bar.
32 mp, “bite” f
33 f mp, “bite”
34-35 mp, slight “hair-pins” in each bar. f
36-37 f mf, slight “hair-pins” in each bar, cresc. at end
38-41 rest f
42-45 mp, cresc. at end f
46-47 f mf
48-49 f Cresc. to f by bar 49
50-51 p, “bite” mf/f
52-53 mf/f p, “bite”
54 f mp
55-56 Taper phrase ending, observe rest, mf sixteenths, p half-notes mf sixteenths, p half-notes
57 Cresc. starts on beat 3 Cresc. starts on beat 3
58 f f
59-60 f p, “bite”
61-62 p, “bite” f
63-64 f mp
65-66 mp f
67-68 f mp
69-70 mp, slight “hair-pins” in each bar. f
71 f mp, “bite”
72 mp, “bite” f
73-74 f mp, slight “hair-pins” in each bar.
75-76 mf, slight “hair-pins” in each bar, cresc. at end f
77-84 As before As before
85-88 f f