Karen Collins & Scott Walker

Strings Department
Greensboro Day School
5401 Lawndale Dr.
Greensboro, NC 

On Friday, February 22nd, Greensboro Day School is hosting an all day event featuring the Four Seasons Chamber Music ensemble from East Carolina University, along with guest artist Hagai Shaham. I know it is difficult for some students to miss classes during the school day, however, we would like to invite teachers, parents and students to participate in any of the following events that day:
1:30-2:45     An open rehearsal and Hagai Shaham master class at the Westminster Church (corner of Lawndale and Lake Brandt)

3:15-5:15     Activities continue with master classes (given by ECU faculty) after school in various locations on the GDS campus (all string instruments and piano--please see faculty bios on the attached flyer)

5:15             A pot luck dinner in the GDS cafeteria for masterclass participants, performers, music teachers, and guest musicians.
7:00             Four Seasons Chamber Concert in the GDS Sloan Theater
All these events are being provided free of charge by ECU. The master classes and concert are open to the public.  

Here are links to the Four Seasons and Hagai Shaham websites:

Four Seasons web site: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-cfac/music/fourseasons/   

Mr. Shaham's web site:  http://www.hagaishaham.com/  
Thank you for sharing this information with your students.  I hope that you are able to attend this fantastic event! You can join us at any time during that day.  We are looking foward to seeing you on February 22nd.


Karen Collins & Scott Walker

Strings Department
Greensboro Day School
5401 Lawndale Dr.

Greensboro, NC